Update on Bishop Klomp's health

Bishop Klomp - UPDATE 2.27.14

Ward Family -
We wanted to update the ward family on Bishop Klomp's status.  His surgery on Sunday night was successful and the doctors were able to take care of what they needed to do.  He remains in the hospital and has been slowly recovering from the surgery and the infection.  It is the Klomp's hope that the Bishop will be able to return home by the weekend.  The Klomp's family is grateful for all the support, help and love the ward has shown them.

The Bishop has a long road to recovery in front of him.  Our continued fasting and prayer is needed to help sustain him - and his family - through this process.  He will be out of commission for several more weeks.

THIS SUNDAY we would like the ward to conduct a unified fast for the purpose of praying and fasting for the Bishop's health and recovery.  Please spread the word and consider make this a part of your fasting experience this weekend. 

Ward  Family - Yesterday (Sunday, Feb. 23rd) Bishop Klomp went into the hospital with complications from an infection.  He had a successful surgery last night - but his recovery process is beginning.  He is in a lot of pain and is not up for visitors right now.  He will remain in the hospital for several days. 

He - and his family - need our love and support and prayers at this time.  We will utilize the ward blog (www.richmond2ward.blogspot.com) to keep the ward family updated on his status.

Please direct any ward matters to Brothers Colbert and Wayment - and please direct any additional questions about how to help to me or Brother Colbert.  If you'd like to provide a meal for the Klomp family, please contact Penni Kershner (penni.kershner@yahoo.com).

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